#include<math.h> #include<omp.h>//OpenMP所需要的头文件 #include<mpi.h> intmain(int argc,char **argv) { int myid, numprocs; int namelen; int thread_id , nthreads; char processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME]; MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myid); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs); MPI_Get_processor_name(processor_name, &namelen); //构造并行区 #pragma omp parallel private(thread_id, nthreads) num_threads(8) //设置线程数为8 { thread_id = omp_get_thread_num(); //获得当前线程的id nthreads = omp_get_num_threads(); //获得总的线程数 printf("Thread number %d (on %d) for the MPI process number %d (on %d) [%s]\n", thread_id, nthreads, myid, numprocs, processor_name); } MPI_Finalize(); return0; }
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Thread number 0 (on 8) for the MPI process number 1 (on 2) [eb1316.para.bscc] Thread number 4 (on 8) for the MPI process number 1 (on 2) [eb1316.para.bscc] Thread number 3 (on 8) for the MPI process number 1 (on 2) [eb1316.para.bscc] Thread number 5 (on 8) for the MPI process number 1 (on 2) [eb1316.para.bscc] Thread number 2 (on 8) for the MPI process number 1 (on 2) [eb1316.para.bscc] Thread number 6 (on 8) for the MPI process number 1 (on 2) [eb1316.para.bscc] Thread number 0 (on 8) for the MPI process number 0 (on 2) [eb1314.para.bscc] Thread number 1 (on 8) for the MPI process number 0 (on 2) [eb1314.para.bscc] Thread number 2 (on 8) for the MPI process number 0 (on 2) [eb1314.para.bscc] Thread number 5 (on 8) for the MPI process number 0 (on 2) [eb1314.para.bscc] Thread number 1 (on 8) for the MPI process number 1 (on 2) [eb1316.para.bscc] Thread number 7 (on 8) for the MPI process number 1 (on 2) [eb1316.para.bscc] Thread number 3 (on 8) for the MPI process number 0 (on 2) [eb1314.para.bscc] Thread number 4 (on 8) for the MPI process number 0 (on 2) [eb1314.para.bscc] Thread number 6 (on 8) for the MPI process number 0 (on 2) [eb1314.para.bscc] Thread number 7 (on 8) for the MPI process number 0 (on 2) [eb1314.para.bscc]